Beer: Three Floyd's Fantabulous Resplendence X Anniversary
Brewery Location: Munster, IN
Style: American Strong Ale
Serving Style: On Tap (YES!)
ABV: 10.5%
This was my second beer of the night at The Heorot. This was a real treat. This is pretty difficult to find on tap anywhere and it will soon be all gone. This was brewed to commemorate 10 years of the Three Floyd's brewery. This is quite the offering from the boys in Munster. Three Floyd's is an amazing little brewery in NW Indiana and very well known for having the number 2 ranked beer in the world according to BeerAdvocate and shown here, and also well known for the hoppiness of their beer and the artwork that adorns their bottles and brewpub. According to the bartender this was a special keg brought in as a birthday present to the great mind behind The Good Beer Show. Thank you, Sir!
It pours a golden/cloudy orange hue with one finger of off white head, and I can't wait to take my first sip. The smell hits your nose before you can get a drink. This is a big and bold in-your-face beer with huge aromas of fruit, serious hops, and an ever bigger scent of malt coming through. The first sip is all malt. It's sugary and chewy malt upfront and then the hops take center stage. I can't explain how bold this beer is on your palate. Hops, citrus, pine, and malty sweetness are at the back of my palate. The warmer the beer got the more I could taste the alcohol twinge and with each drink it was just more and more in my face. This is full bodied and very bitter through the whole pint glass.
I actually really enjoyed this beer for all the complexities and flavorings it had going on with it. This is not a beer I would imagine most people would enjoy though that are not either hop heads or fans of strong ales, but for me this was a great offering. It could be a nice staple for Three Floyd's if it were a little more balanced with the malt and hops.
4.3 Pints out of 5!
1 comment:
I agree with you about the unbalanced nature of the beer, but I didn't get the same flavor upon first sip. This beer was rather harsh/overly bitter for me, but I had it out of a bottle as well. Nice page, and keep up the postings.
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