Beer: Aventinus Weizen-Eisbock
Brewery Location: Kelheim, Germany
Beer Style: Eisbock
Serving Style: Bottle
ABV: 12.0%
What better way to celebrate when the temperature outside is 15 degrees than with a beer that translates to ice beer!
This style of beer is famous in a district of Bavaria named Kulmbach. An eisbock is made by freezing off a part of the water (distilling of sorts) and creating a more concentrated and flavorful beer. Almost all eisbocks are high in alcohol content, and are usually in the 10% ABV and above range. This is also only the third eisbock that I've ever had. I've had two eisbocks from the Kulmbacher Brauerei, and I was hooked on the style ever since then, but this is my first beer from Aventinus. I need to pick up their more famous Aventinus Weizenbock and try it as well.
This beer pours a very deep, dark, and dirty brown color with a minimal head. I was expecting that with as high an ABV as this beer has. I get big scents of dark fruit, heavy malt, banana, and alcohol. After my first sip I am thinking malt, malt, and more malt. There is a syrupy sweetness in the flavor profile with hints of banana and clove. The wheat flavor makes an appearance as well, but it isn't very pronounced. This beer is medium bodied with a subtle and welcomed alcohol warmth to it. I am surprised how well the alcohol is hidden on this beer. The drinkability is a nice surprise on this beer and went along perfect with cold night outside.
This is a big and malty palate pleaser. I've really enjoyed the three eisbocks I've tried. This beer has a much more pronounced dark fruit flavor and is a bit more syrupy than the others I've tried, but it was in no way cloying at all. Overall it was a pleasure to drink, and I will purchase again.
This sounds fantastic, I'm a sucker for anything banana... I'm going to have to check out what else falls in style. I'm assuming you got that at Partipak?
I did indeed. There is a freshness date on the label as well, they have some as far back as 2005. I went with the freshest I could find. It was from 2007.
I've been a long time fan of Schnieder-Weiss and love thier Aventinus. Full and chewy. Finally got to try the Aventinus-Eisbock and it did no dissapoint. Like teh Aventinus on overdrive. Love it.
Only gripe is that ti's so much beer that you can only have like a bottle.
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