Beer: Terminal Gravity Brewing IPA
Brewery Location: Enterprise, OR
Beer Style: IPA
Serving Style: Bottle
ABV: 6.7%
I got this beer as an extra in a trade a couple months back. I've been on a such a stout kick lately that after I had Hopslam I am beginning to gravitate back to the IPA and DIPA style. I really like seeing regional takes on the IPA style, and I also like tasting each brewers take on this style. I think there is more variation (good and bad) in this style than other styles being brewed by craft brewers.
This beer pours a cloudy rustic bronze color that is very murky. A small one finger head sits on top on this murky beer, but it disappeared very quickly. The smell is of citrus fruit leaning towards red grapefruit as the most dominate scent. As the beer warmed a bit I got more bready malt coming through as the hops died down a bit. The taste is very sweet upon first taste, but the hops come through very quickly with citrus and pine making their appearance known on my palate. This has medium hop bitterness with slight caramel undertones from the malt. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with medium carbonation that left a rather dry finish. The drinkability is very good on this beer and would go well about anytime.
Overall this is a good IPA. I wouldn't go that far out of my way to get more of this beer, but if it were ever available in Indiana I would order it while I was out or pick up some from the store. If you are interested in ordering this beer you can get this beer here: Liquid Solutions.
How do you go about getting these beers in the trades you are talking about?
I am on several beer sites. BeerAdvocate, Ratebeer, and a few others. I've been meeting people at events like Dark Lord Day, and just making connections that way. I would say join either of those sites I mentioned and join the trading forums. Also you can easily purchase beer from places like
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