Beer: Three Floyds Alpha Klaus Christmas Porter
Brewery Location: Munster, IN
Beer Style: American Porter
Serving Style: on-tap
ABV: 7.5% ABV
For New Year's Eve I was at the party put on by the Hoosier Beer Geeks. They sponsored a party that brought this beer, Delirium Tremens,
Two-hearted ale, and a special keg of Sint Sylvester Vooranvond from Brugge Brasserie for New Years. I had a great time and I am really happy that there is a group around town trying to advance craft beer in the Indy market. Thank you again HBG for a great evening and bringing some great beer to Deano's Vino.
I actually had this several times out a bottle and haven't yet ever had it on tap. I was really surprised it wasn't on-tap at Three Floyd's tap room the day after Christmas. As I said before I just can't get away from stouts and porters right now.
It was served too cold for my liking and I waited for it to warm up a bit. It pours a deep mahogany brown color with soft ruby accents. This is about as close to black as you can get without actually being black. A small tan head sits on the beer that left minor lacing on the walls of the pint glass. The nose isn't as I remember out of a bottle. It's still a little cold, but I just get a small dose of grassy hops, but the roasted malt is the main thing my nose picks up. The taste is what makes this memorable on tap. A rather rich roasted coffee grain flavor profile with slight hints of bitter chocolate and caramel is slightly offset with the hops coming to the palate, but still sticks to it's porter roots quite well. The mouthfeel is also very nice being smooth and creamy, but still has a bit of chewiness to it as well. I would gladly drink this again.
I am really racking my brain on this one, but this is not how I expected this to taste on tap. Out of the bottle is more intense with hop flavoring and a better flavor profile. This is the first beer that I prefer out of a bottle vs. on tap. Regardless though, this is still a great beer, and is well worth the try if you see it out on tap or in the bottle.
Thanks again Hoosier Beer Geeks for bringing this on tap, and for a great evening of good beer.
Being the unappologetic Three Floyd's fan boy that I am, I really wanted to go to this on New Year's just to try this on tap. However, I didn't want to deal with the hassle of the New Year's crowd. Damn you, misanthropy! It's disappointing that you didn't think it was that great on tap. I figured it'd be amazing.
I was hoping it would be amazing on tap, but temperature had a huge factor on it I think. You see in both pictures the glass sweat from how cold it was served. I think this beer is amazing out of the bottle, and honestly this is the very first beer I've ever had that I prefer the bottle compared to on tap. I'm going to give it a whirl on tap again if I find out out again. MacNivens had it, but spent their two kegs in two days. Five bucks for 20 oz of it on tap is one hell of a deal.
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