Beer: Three Floyds Alpha King Pale Ale
Brewery Location: Munster, IN
Beer Style: American Pale Ale
Serving Style: Bottle
ABV: 6.0%
There are three beers that I almost always have on hand in my house. Bell's Two-Hearted, Stone IPA, and this beer. These three make up my go-to beers. This is the very first beer I ever had from Three Floyds. I have enjoyed most of their lineup with the exception of a couple beers, and several of their brews are in my top ten overall personal beers. This is a highly sought after brew from hop-heads.
They call this beer an American pale ale, but I think it drinks more like and IPA, and this is probably why I like it so much. This is Three Floyd's flagship beer. My last Three Floyds brewery tour the brewer that gave the tour said that GumballHead could overtake this beer as their top selling beer in their lineup now that it's brewed all year long. I am happy for that fact, because I can now much more easily find this beer on the shelves at Party Pak. If I can't find it I have a secret liquor store that always has it, but it's a little more out of the way for me.
Pours a nice deep orange with a nice frothy white head that dissipates and leaves good lacing on the walls of my pint glass. Fantastic floral hoppy nose with big scents of citrus fruit and some sweet malt lagging behind. The scent is very vibrant and fresh. Great citrus hop bite at the front of the palate with tastes of grapefruit and fresh tangerines with just the right touch of sweet biscuity malt to round everything out. Medium bodied with medium carbonation that is smooth, crisp, and clean. A good session beer that goes well about anytime you could want.
This beer is just so fresh and clean. I love the finish of the late hops and bitterness on this one. It's just an easy drinking and well made beer. This will continue to always have a place in my fridge.
When I turned 21, this was the first beer I ever personally bought at Beers of the World in Rochester. Really, the first true American craft brew I ever bought. I just thought the packaging looked cool! Who knew I actually picked a beer from a state I would later move to and a beer that would also become one of my favorites!
I haven't bought a 6er of this is in quite a while. Shame on me! I'll have to go grab some this week and apologize.
That's really cool they distributed that far away. It's just Indiana and Illinois now that have the pleasure of this.
I guess they are going to expand and go back into those areas.
This is my #1 go-to beer. I know a lot of people swear by the Two Hearted, but I think the Alpha King is head and shoulders above it.
It depends on my mood. I will take a drink of Two-hearted and go "Man, this so fantastic each and every time I drink this, this is my favorite beer."
Then I take a drink of Alpha King and say: Man, this is so fantastic each and every time I drink this, this is my favorite beer."
It just depends on my mood.
Matt: Just had Alpha King at Rich O's in New Albany this weekend. Unbelievable. I told my wife, "This reminds me of Bell's Two Hearted," but I didn't think of Stone IPA, which is a terrific beer. You nailed a holy trinity of hopsters, man.
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