Beer: Founder's Centennial IPA
Brewery Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Beer Style: India Pale Ale
Serving Style: Bottle
ABV: 7.2%
Do you love your C-hops (Centennial, Cascade, and Columbus)? I know that I sure do. It will be a tough 2008 for them though. I know you have all heard of the hop shortage that is happening as we speak. I've seen prices on my of my favorite beers stating to creep up. I was just at the Three Floyd's brewpub this weekend and they have increased their six pack prices from seven dollars to ten dollars a six pack. Stone brewing just announced that their prices would be going up $1 to $1.50 per sixpack. Other brewers have announced they would not be making their extreme DIPA's this year. It will be a tough year for us hop-heads. The market for hops will correct itself in due time, but it will be a hard wait for this beer lover.
The reason I wrote that bit of information is because the name of this beer is taken from one of those "C" hops. This beer is still a good price, and as far as I can tell is still going to be brewed year round. I can honestly say that I've never had a bad beer from Founders. They are creating some amazing beer up in Grand Rapids, MI. Their world famous "Kentucky Breakfast Stout" should be coming out in late February or early March.
Pours a beautiful hazy amber hue with a rather thin off-white head. I can smell as I pour. I get huge scents of citrus, pine, sweet caramel malt. There is no doubt this beer had been dry-hopped. This is one of the better IPAs I've smelled. The first taste brings on big tastes of grapefruit and resinous pine, and then it backs off and then the sweet malt rounds everything out. In terms of style, this is a quintessential IPA. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with medium carbonation. I do not detect any alcohol in the mouthfeel. The drinkability on this beer is very good. Not quite a sessionable beer at 7.2%, but it still holds up well.
This is a style defining IPA. I can't really find any faults on it according to style guidelines. This might replace one of my go-to beers in my fridge. I've had it before, but coming back to it really gave me new found appreciation for this beer. I do hope that Founder's has their hop contracts in place for 2008 and this beer can be enjoyed all year long.
I love this beer. I might be a bit biased because I've never been disappointed by a Founders brand, but man, this is great stuff!
I honestly have never been disappointed in one either. Even things I thought I wouldn't like were awesome. I didn't like I would liek the Raebeus (sp?) but it was amazing. I also didn't think I would like Red Rye or Blakc Rye, but I enjoyed them both.
Reading your blog made me realize how much of a 'Beer Philistine' I am, but I have to admit I do like a good cheap beer here and there.
Your writing on hops prices got me doing a little research into the subject, I work in bakery distribution and grain prices are through the roof as well. I am going to look into if there is some sort of correlation if nothing but for curiosities sake.
These all sound very good and I will definitely try all of these in the coming months. Great blog.
Thanks for stopping by.
There is indeed a correlation in grain prices. Bad growing seasons and ethenol are to blame mostly. Barley is up 40 to 70% for most brewers. Many farmers are switching over to grow beans and corn for more money. I think that will level out though because they are coming to find out that ethenol is in no way, shape, or form good for the enviroment. I just heard a great story on this last night on All things considered on PBS Radio. Wheat is over 10$ a bushel for the first time ever. That is taking a big hit on things.
There is nothing wrong with cheap beer by the way.
Thanks for the link. I will get yours up today.
I prefer the term "beer Populist" to "beer Philistine." Or how about "beer proletarian"? A worker who likes beer? As you know, the only way to break free of the tyranny of Anheuser-Busch and friends is to control the means of production. Go beer! (But don't get rid of the cheap, crappy beer until we have a cheap, "Craft" replacement)
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