Beer: Tröegs Nugget Nectar
Brewery Location: Harrisburg, PA
Beer Style: Imperial Amber Ale
Serving Style: Bottle
ABV: 7.5%
This is another beer I've been trying to get my hands on for a while. Troegs only releases this beer seasonally every year in February. After having this beer I am going to start my own beer distribution company and specialize only in beers from Troegs. (Just kidding, I am far too lazy for that, but I can talk a big game!)
Pours a beautiful amber-orange color with one finger of dense head. It left fantastic lacing on the walls of my pint glass. I can smell the glorious hops as I pour this beer. I get big scents of pink grapefruit, oily hops, and resinous pine. The flavor of bitter hops takes hold of your palate and smacks it around a bit before the sweet almost biscuity malt rounds the beer out very well. The bitterness is mostly of pine and citrus fruit. I can't get enough of the flavor on this beer. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with medium carbonation. The alcohol is well hidden and this leaves a fairly dry finish on the back of my palate. The drinkability is very good on this, but not quite session able at 7.5% ABV. An homage to hops is all I can say about this beer.
Troegs really has a tasty seasonal offering here. I really wish I could get my hands on more of this because I want to hoard this stuff like I do with Hopslam. If you know anyone in Pennsylvania and other east coast states have them send you some of this beer. I don't think you will be disappointed.
How is the world did you get this already? I live in PA and it hasn't hit my shelves yet.
Sounds like DH 90 Minute minus the silky mouthfeel.
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