Beer: He'Brew Bittersweet Lenny's R.I.P.A.
Brewery Location: San Francisco, CA
Beer Style: DIPA
ABV: 10%
This is my first beer for review from the Shmaltz Brewing company. I've had several other of their offerings and my particular favorites have been the Genesis 10:10 and Jewbelation 11 anniversary beers. I've been in a bit of a rye kick lately and have been drinking Founders Red Rye and Two Brother's Cane and Ebel quite a bit lately, so I was looking for another rye beer. I found this beer at Party Pak for $6.49 a bomber. I bought two just to be sure. This review is my second bottle of this beer.
This beer has quite the clever name and pays homage to Lenny Bruce with plenty of little quips and other information about Lenny Bruce.
This beer pours a deep and clear ruby color with a decent sized off-white head. The beer sorta glugged out in a syrupy fashion. The first scents bring on the rye mixed in with pine needles and a touch of orange peel. The malt is a beast on the nose on this beer pushing around anything else you could really get a good scent out of. The flavor profile is more of the same with plenty of rye flavor with an almost bready malt being most dominant. The hop profile does a fairly good job though trying to balance out all of the malt, but this beer leans heavier towards the malt and not the hops. The mouthfeel is quite full bodied with plenty of carbonation to go around, but this beer leaves quite a bitter finish. The drinkability is actually quite good, but the 10% ABV will sneak up on your if you have an entire bomber.
I like rye beers, and I thought this beer was a pretty good offering. This beer was quite a bit more maltier than I thought it would be for a DIPA, but it was good that isn't just an over the top hop bomb, but rather a decently crafted beer. If you are a fan of rye and malt I say at least give this beer a try, but you might want to split it with someone.