Beer: Oskar Blues Gordon DIPA
Brewery Location: Lyons, CO
Beer Style: Double IPA
ABV: 9.2%
Ever since I had the pleasure of trying Ten-Fidy from Oskar Blues I've been trying to get my hands on more beer from this brewery. A very kind soul sent me a bottle of this beer. Oskar Blues normally puts all of their beer in cans, but back in 2003 and 2004 they made this beer in 750ml bottles. I split this with my friend and the person that helped push me back into craft beer Joe. I took the cap of this beer and found a cork sitting inside of the bottle as well to keep it fresh.
This pours a very murky and deep brown with amber highlight on the edges. A huge three fingered head sat atop of this dark brew. The amount of head and lacing is very impressive for a beer with this high an ABV. I can smell this beer as I was pouring two glasses of it. I get good scents of caramel and sweet brown sugar. The hop presence takes a back seat to the malt, but it does provide good scents of woody pine and grapefruit rind. I served this beer a little too cold, but once it warmed up I got some really nice flavors. The malt was the main player in the flavor profile with loads of caramel and candied fruit. The hop profile is indicative of classic American hops. Tastes of tropical fruit and earthy wooded pine dominate the hop profile. The hops do not quite balance out the malt, but they still pair very nicely together. The mouthfeel is medium bodied, but still somehow is a little chewy as well. There is also a slight alcohol finish on the tongue. Drinkability is very good and I would have polished off another one of these bottles quite easily.
They call this a double IPA, but I think it had more qualities of an English barleywine/IPA. The years of age left the hop profile a little more subtle. I won't be able to get another one of these bottles, but I am happy to have had the opportunity. I would love to try this out of the can now.
I had this and the three other Oskar Blues beers last week. Planning on doing my write up this week. But that Gordon rocks. It has a great balance, almost like a creamy red on steroids. I like this as much as 90 minute, and that's saying something.
I really want to try it out of a can. I enjoyed it out of the bottle. I've got a can of Old Chub and a can of Dale's Pale ale to drink the very near future.
I would like to see this company in Indiana soon.
Good to see a review on the Gordon, I saw a bottle of this in the store the other day, might have to try it out too. I've also been wanting to try Old Chub. Over here in Boston we've been seeing more and more from Oskar Blues. I try and keep a case of Dale's Pale Ale in the fridge at all times :) tasty
I've been told that it may be in the works...Oskar Blues in Indiana, that is.
The other two were very good, as well as the TenFidy Imperial Stout. But the Gordon is top notch.
Sorry realized I said I saw a BOTTLE of this...not the case, it was indeed a 6-pack of CANS.
Jason-- I hope we do get some OB here in Indiana. I would almost always have some in my fridge if that were the case.
Gareth--I haven't had the pale ale yet, but I've got one can of it to try.
What is the price range on a six pack of that?
Well for a 12pack of the pale ale it's about $18, I think I saw a 6pack in a different store for $10.
I think the Old Chub and Gordon were equally priced.
I finally got around to sampling a Gordon tonight and loved it! Can't wait to try the Old Chub and Dale's next. The Ten Fidy was delicious too. Wonder how well New Belgium's Fat Tire will taste coming from a can this summer.
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