Beer: Oskar Blues Dale's Pale Ale
Brewery Location: Lyons, CO
Beer Style: American Pale Ale
ABV: 6.5%
Ricebier ist nicht gut! All of the cans of Oskar Blues that I've seen have had some little quip on them, and this is on the one on this can. If you are not much of a German language fan it simply means that ricebeer is not good. It is taking a poke at some of the big boys that use rice in their recipes.
The can also states this beer is: "A Huge Voluminously Hopped Mutha Of A Pale Ale." As a hop-head I laughed at this, but I will at least give it the benefit of the doubt after having a bottle of Gordon and a can of Ten-Fidy.
It pours a clear golden amber hue with a thick and frothy white head. It leaves great lacing on the walls on my pint glass. I can smell the American C-hops as I pour this beer. The nose has good scents of grapefruit, pine, and orange peel. The flavor profile isn't quite a vibrant as the nose, but it still has balanced flavors of flowery (at sometimes pungent) C-hops and a sugar-cookie malt base rounds everything out nicely. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with medium carbonation that is crisp and refreshing. The drink ability holds up very well, and I would reach for this if it were available locally.
I thought this was a very tasting offering of Oskar Blues take on an APA. It had all of the citrus flavors that I love in American hops, but it wasn't quite a bold in the flavor profile as the nose would lead onto. Dale's Pale Ale it isn't my favorite take on this style, but does warrant further research by this hop-head.
You may want to stick to drinking their Gordon beer over the Dale's. Gordon just won a Bronze medal in the World Beer Cup yesterday in the Imperial / Double Red Ale category. Dale's is next on my list of their beer to sample. Haven't had the pleasure of buying this beer yet.
I hope to get some of the Gordon in a can. I think both would go into my regular rotation if I had them available.
For a APA though, the Dale's Pale Ale is pretty tasty.
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