Beer: Breckenridge Extra ESB
Brewery Location: Dever, CO
Beer Style: Extra Special Bitter
Serving Style: Bottle
ABV: 7.8%
I just reviewed a Breckenridge DIPA not long ago, and based on some of the responses I got I decided to pick up their ESB and give it a whirl. I really enjoy the ESB style. According to the BJCP this beer is all about balance for the style. More hops and malt than a traditional English bitter, but the most important thing is drinkability.
One thing I do with ESB's though is let them warm up. Personally I like my ESB's a little "warm." Rouges Brutal Bitter is best enjoyed about 50 degrees or so. I actually attended a vertical tasting (a slight variation of a vertical tasting) where Fuller's ESB and Brutal Bitter were both served at refrigerator temp and at around 50 degrees. ESB's really do open up a bit when served a bit warmer. You can easily do this at home and see what you think, but for me I will always like my ESB's just a little warm.
It pours a deep copper color approaching a rich mahogany color. Very thin head that quickly dissipated. The beer does leave small bits of lacing on the glass as well. I smell a great deal of caramel going on in the beer with a blast of hops I wasn't really expecting. I like that though. Toasted malt also makes an appearance about half way down the beer. A very nice balanced flavor of hops and malt. The hops take stage first but the sweetness of the caramel flavors tones it down quite a bit. Toasted malt really comes to life as well on the finish. This is much more in your face than other ESB's I've tried. The mouthfeel is actually quite nice and full. Low carbination with a nice bite both on the front and back of the palate. Very drinkable, but personally it would not make a good session beer for me.
I enjoyed this beer, but I really had my mind set on an ESB, and this beer doesn't really fit that bill for me. This is a beefed up ESB. There is no such than as a Double ESB, but if there was this would go in that category. This is well worth trying if you like ESB's and IPA's. I think it is a good mix of both of those styles.
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