Beer: Breckenridge 471 IPA Small Batch
Brewery Location: Denver, CO
Beer Style: Double IPA
Serving Style: Bottle
ABV: 9.2%
I've been getting into beers from Breckenridge for a little while now. They produce a nice lineup of beers that are easily found in most decent liquor stores in the area. I first drank this this summer at a BBQ, and it was really nice for the occasion. This is a DIPA, but there are a few things different about this beer that make it unique for a DIPA.
It pours a nice hazy coppered hue with a slightly off white head. The head retention on this beer lasted for the entire beer(even though it was mostly a light blanket of head). Thick walls of lacing stay on my pint glass the entire time. The scent isn't quite what I expected. It is a unique blend of caramel malt and a hops scent that is complex and hard to pick out exactly what hop was used. There is a slight citrus scent coming through as well, but it is very undefined in the beer. The taste also isn't in your face as you would expect. Biscuty malt, toffee, and an almost syrupy sweetness start off with the complex hop flavoring coming in. Citrus, pine, and candied fruit change in complexity with each drink. This isn't like any other DIPA I've encountered. I enjoy the unique taste with the caramel coming into play more than I've experienced before. The mouthfeel is sticky and creamy at the same time. The sweet caramel and bitter hop flavor stays with you after you swallow. The drinkability is also really nice on this and would enjoyed about any time.
I really enjoyed this beer. As I stated before it isn't like any other DIPA I've encountered. That is what I love about all of the craft brewing going on in America. A different take on a beer is really refreshing. I just think this is a well balanced and well built beer. DIPA's keep getting more bitter and more harsh (we will see what happens this year) so I think it's more difficult to make a beer like this that will show the brewers mistakes, but I don't really find one on this beer. Well worth the try if you see it out in either bomber or six pack form.
I love the Breckenridge DIPA, though I haven't had it since the summer. Their "small batch" claim seems hard to believe since I've seen it at many stores and it's almost always stocked at Kahns.
This is a solid beer. It still kills me that the bartender at downtown BW3s (back before it changed names) told me that this is a better beer than Dreadnaught. And I agree that the "small batch" bit is a bunch of shit.
You are both right. Their ESB is also "small batch" and easily found about everywhere. That is pretty impressive for a brewery from Co.
In other news, I was at the Crown Liquors last night on 31 and Shelby. They still have a shelf full of Stone 9th Anniversary. I almost pulled the trigger on it, but do you think it's still good after sitting under florescent light for 2 years?
Even if it's still good, I can't quite recommend the 9th Anniversary. It's not even close to the 10th or the 11th. Just my opinion, though.
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