Beer: Three Floyd's GumballHead
Brewery Location: Munster, IN
Beer Style: American Pale Wheat Ale
Serving Style: Bottle
ABV: 4.8%
There has been a lot of FFF's from me lately, but I was going to a cookout yesterday and it was blazing hot, so there is nothing better to me than a good wheat beer, and this offering from FFF's fit the bill perfectly.
I was at Party Pak on Friday and they just got several cases of it in. It isn't always easy to find so I jumped on a sixer of it. I should have just bought it last weekend at the brewery, but I had already spent way to much on bombers.
One of the first things that strikes you is the cardboard carrier for the sixer. Many carries usually have some interesting art on them, but this one is a little different. It's design is based on a cartoon character by the name of Gumball the Cat from Rob Syers. I added some pics of it on the bottom. I also like how FFF's uses the bottom of the carrier. I haven't seen anyone else use it before, but I never really paid attention until now either. The bottle is also adorned with a sinister Gumball the Cat having a smoke and ready to drink some beer.
It pours a hazy golden copper hue with a minimal head on an unaggressive pour. There is some yeast still floating in the beer as well from the bottle conditioning. (Bottle conditioning allows for the beer to naturally carbonate in the bottle as opposed to gas injection like most filtered beers.) The smell is very fresh with a vibrant floral bouquet with amarillo hops scent coming through with a mix of grapefruit and lemony finish with a nice touch of wheat malt. The flavor is very indicative of the nose on this beer. Good zing at the front of the palate and finishes smooth and almost creamy. The hops come through, but this isn't a hop bomb. It's very light and an almost fruity/sticky flavor is left after the drink. The body is wonderful for wheat beer and perfect for a warm day outside.
This really is one of the best wheat beers I've ever had. I have only run across one FFF's beer I didn't like and they really have a winner on their hands with this beer. It's now available year round as well. I can't think of anything I would rather be drinking on warm day outside with friends.
4.75 out of 5.
Nice pics of the carrier. I like the Alpha Khan logo. Never heard of Calumet Queen, Black Sun or Munster Fest though. Must have been brew-pub-only beers.
Calumet Queen I've never had before. It's a summer style Kolsch. I am not a fan really of the Kolsch style, so I am not sure if i would like that.
You can get black sun stout at Party Pak and probably Kahns. I think it only comes in bombers. That's the only thing I've ever seen.
The Munster Fest is an Oktoberfest style lager (they only make two lagers I believe) and was brewed last year and this year. You can buy it in bombers at the brewery right now. I have one I haven't drank yet.
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