Beer: Bear Republic Racer 5 IPA
Brewery Location: Healdsburg, CA
Beer Style: American IPA
Serving Style: Bomber
ABV: 7.0%
There are so many great breweries across the county, and I am doing my best to try and give each one a try. I've heard some great things about Bear Republic, and this is my first offering from them. I've been impressed with many California brewers interpretations on the IPA style, and I've also been quite let down by some hyped IPA's from there as well. I can't believe this beer is only 2.99 in California. I am not sure why west coast beers are significantly cheaper than here in the mid-west. I can't really think of any bombers that are available locally that are around that price point that I would purchase often. If you ever shop at Liquid Solutions you will notice how west coast brewers tend to have very attractive price points for very well respected beers. You can buy this beer right now for $3.48 a bomber over at Liquid Solutions.
Pours a hazy amber color with one finger of creamy white head that left sheets of lacing on the walls of my imperial pint glass. The smell of this beer hit me as I was pouring it. Big scents of citrus fruit and an earthy grassy scent that both equally vie for your attention. A slight bit of sweet malt is also trying to make itself known on the nose as well. The flavor profile is a duel battle between the sweet caramel malt and the citrus and pine flavor of the hops. Neither flavor dominates each other and this flavor profile is well crafted and well made. The mouthfeel is a bit thin, but overall it is medium bodied with lower than average carbonation. The drink ability on this beer is impressive, and it leaves me wanting Bear Republic in Indiana.
This is a quintessential IPA. This is a well made IPA that doesn't slap you in the face with over the top hop flavor, but instead it is a well crafted and well balanced IPA that is a pleasure to drink. This would be good on most any occasion and would pair itself nicely with spicier food. I will continue to buy this from Liquid Solutions or trade for it. This is well worth that minor trouble.