Beer: Sam Adam's Hallertau Imperial Pilsner
Brewery location: Boston, MA
Beer Style: Euro Strong Lager
Serving Style: Bottle
ABV: 8.8%
I do have to say that I have respect for the Boston Beer Company. Jim Koch and company continue to create beer that most likely doesn't have a large profit margin and releases it only for a short run. Many craft brewers do it out of love, but for a very large company like BBC to do this several times a year for their size is really nice. They seem to really still have the spirit of craft brewing even though they produce and sell more than just about any other craft brewer. Some people would even go as far as to say that BBC isn't really a craft brewer, but I think that is so far from the truth. They produce an amazing lineup of beer, brew a winning homebrewers beer every year (I know except for this year because of the hop shortage), and produce special beers outside of their regular lineup. I would say the proof is doing in being a craft brewer and not based on size.
I've heard mixed reviews on this beer, but I was at the Hop Shop and decided to pick up two bottles and give it a whirl. This is my second bottle to give a review on. I will be honest that the first beer I wasn't really a fan of and wasn't going to review it all, but the second one things came together a little better for me.
The beer looks very cloudy inside of the bottle before I poured it. The beer pours a nice golden hue, but very hazy. I assume the haziness is from the amount of hops that went into the beer. A decent finger of head started the beer off, and the head retention was great on this beer. Heavy lacing on the walls of the glass and a good blanket of head stayed on the beer the entire time. The nose is full of mostly of hops with some some sugary sweet malt. Biscuity malt is actually my first real flavor that I can pick out easily with heavy complex hop flavor trying to overpower the malt, but that never really happens. The taste is actually a bit on the sweet side but is still fairly balanced with the bitterness of the hops. The beer finishes slightly dry and doesn't coat very well. My biggest complaint for this beer would be the mouthfeel.
I think this is a good offering from the Boston Beer Co. I don't think I would go out of my way to get any more of it though. It was a good offering, but overall wasn't something I would come back to again and again. Still for craft beer people that want to try everything under the sun you should give this beer a chance.