Beer: Founder's Imperial Stout
Brewery Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Beer Style: Russian Imperial Stout
ABV: 10.5%
I've been lazy during the holidays and was not really writing much. I am back though with a really amazing beer that I've been looking forward to for a very long time. I had this on tap last year when I went to Founder's for the weekend, and have wanted some in the bottle since that time. Last night seemed to be the best opportunity to open one of these up. Indiana got a very limited supply of this beer, and if you can still find it around town you will most likely only be allowed to buy one or two bottles. I am hoping that more will hit town in the coming weeks, and it will be much like breakfast stout. Breakfast stout was limited when it first came to town, but now you can still easily find four packs of it all over town right now.
Appearance: This beer glugs into my pint glass and settles into a jet black body with a small mocha colored head that quickly dissipated, but it did leave some spotty lacing on my pint glass.
Smell: The nose is a rich combination of roasted malt and coffee with an almost grassy hop scent as well. There is a hint of alcohol and chocolate at the back end of this offering as well.
Taste: The flavor profile is amazing complex with flavors that outshine the nose on this beer. The main flavors are of the rich and roasted malt, but as the beer warmed past cellar temp I began to get currants, plums, dates, espresso beans, caramel, chocolate, and anise. There are many flavors, but all combine so well on the palate to make a very pleasurable workout for your taste buds.
Mouthfeel: This beer is smooth as silk with the alcohol only barely noticeable on the mouth. It has good carbonation for a RIS, and it leaves an overall dry sensation in my mouth.
Drinkability: This beer is dangerously good, and I wish I had the opportunity to purchase much more of this amazing beer.
Overall I love just about everything about this offering, and this is one of my favorite Russian imperial stouts. I let this beer warm past cellar temperature and I am very glad that I did. One of the most complex, yet easiest to drink imperial stouts that I've had recently. Founder's has yet to do me wrong on any of their beers. Well done again to the team at Founder's.
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